Hellboy Sort Of Hot With $1.38 Million In Thursday Night Previews

Hellboy opened in Thursday night previews and the result was decent but I think reviews are going to hurt the film the rest of the weekend.

The rebooted Hellboy grossed $1.38 million in Thursday night previews. The film had been tracking to gross close to $20 million for the weekend but those tracking estimates may not be feasible given the 11% Rotten score. The film wasn’t screened widely for the press which is never a good sign so I’m not too optimistic on how it can build on its Thursday preview score.

Also opening in Thursday night previews was Little which grossed $735,000 in previews last night from showtimes that started at 7 PM from 2,220 locations. Little is going to be one to watch this weekend as I’m thinking more and more that it will see crowds over the weekend that may allow it to jump over Hellboy for the weekend.

Missing Link made $230,000 in Thursday previews, which is just under the $375,000 that Sony’s Smurfs: Lost Village did in April 2017. That film opened to $13.2 million after a $4.1 million Friday. Missing Link is tracking at $10-11million although I predicted about $8-10 million.

Also showing impressive preview numbers was After with $550,000. This is actually a decent figure for the indie teen drama which is doing most of its promoting via social media to its target audience. Keep in mind, last night only 2% of K-12 schools were off so there is a possibility that after may pull out decent numbers. Tracking is all over the place on this one going as low as $3 million and as high as $11 million.

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About Gaius Bolling 3795 Articles
At the age of five, I knew I wanted to write movies and about them. I've set out to make those dreams come true. As an alumni of the Los Angeles Film Academy, I participated in their Screenwriting program, while building up my expertise in film criticism. I write reviews that relate to the average moviegoer by educating my readers and keeping it fun. My job is to let you know the good, the bad, and the ugly in the world of cinema, so you can have your best moviegoing experience. You can find more of my writing on Instagram @g_reelz.