Stan Lee Will No Longer Conduct Public Signings

In what may not come as a complete surprise, Stan Lee will no longer be accessible as he once was at conventions and public signings.

Desert Wind Comics, who has hosted signing events with Lee in past occasions, have stated in their upcoming events schedule that fans hoping to have comic books or merchandise autographed by Lee can submit their materials through the mail until August 18:

As many of you know, Stan Lee has been getting older and as such signing opportunities are getting more rare. And getting books signed that are eligible for CGC Signature Series Grading is becoming more difficult. The exact date and location of this [sic] signings will not be announced for security reasons. So we are simply authorized to announce accepting books early and will accept books up to the deadline, so submit early so you don’t get caught by surprise and miss the signing.

The price to get a modern tier book signed and graded is $180.00. That price includes grading of a modern tier book, our witnessing and handling fee and Stan’s signing fee. Non graded comic books or raw items like posters and toys are priced beginning at $160.00 and depend on the size and value of the item.

“To be very clear, Stan is 100% not doing any conventions / public signings. In the last few years his well-being had been compromised by people for monetary gain and that practice is over,”

“His private signings had also been paused for a month while Stan’s life gets back to normal and time could be given to review signing deals made by previous people involved in Stan’s life.” Lee is “signing a very small amount of items per week at his discretion, some for Desert Wind,” Bolerjack said, explaining Lee was formerly tasked with signing “hundreds” and “sometimes thousands” of books per day.

“My concern is for Stan’s health and wishes so he signs what he wants when he wants, which is as it always should be.”

While sad news to those who have not had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Lee, his numerous convention appearances have taken their toll. Just last April, a video surfaced that showed Lee struggling to sign multiple autographs in quick succession.

Lee should be commended for lasting this long in the convention scene as he is currently 95 years old.

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About David Gonzalez 3061 Articles
David Gonzalez is the founder and chief film critic of Reel Talk Inc. and host of the Reel Chronicles and Chop Talk (80s horror) podcasts. As a Cuban American independent film critic, David writes fair and diverse criticism covering movies of all genres and spotlighting minority voices through Reel Talk. David has covered and reviewed films at Tribeca, TIFF, NYFF, Sundance, SXSW, and several other film festivals. He is a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer-Approved Critic and a member of the Latino Entertainment Journalists Association (LEJA), New York Film Critics Online, Hollywood Film Critics Association, and the North American Film Critic Association. As an avid film collector and awards watcher, David's finger is always on the industry's pulse. David informs and educates with knowledgeable and exciting content and has become a trusted resource for readers and listeners alike. Email him at or follow him on Twitter and Instagram @reeltalkinc.