93rd Academy Awards To Be ‘Hostless’ Once Again

For the third year in a row, The Oscars will proceed without a host.

Despite lacking a host, Producers for the upcoming 93rd Academy Awards are reportedly “making offers” to “talent they hope will come in to present the categories” during the partially in-person live telecast on April 25.

According to Deadline, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and producers hope “for high profile presenters to deal out the awards on a rotating basis” throughout the night. The update on the upcoming cermony comes after it was revealed last week that the nominees have been warned that connecting to the Academy Awards via video link is “not an option”.

In the note sent to over 200 nominees, producers Steven Soderbergh, Jesse Collins and Stacey Sher acknowledged some may be uneasy about it being an in-person event at Los Angeles’ Union Station but sought to offer reassurance. They stated,

“Of course, your first thought is CAN THAT BE DONE SAFELY? The answer is YES, IT CAN. We are treating the event as an active movie set, with specially designed testing cadences to ensure up-to-the-minute results, including an on-site COVID safety team with PCR testing capability. (sic)”

Guests attending from outside of Los Angeles will receive further “specific instructions”, which will vary from those already living in the city, but those who are “unable to attend because of scheduling or continued uneasiness about traveling” were told, “there will not be an option to Zoom in for the show.”

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About David Gonzalez 3061 Articles
David Gonzalez is the founder and chief film critic of Reel Talk Inc. and host of the Reel Chronicles and Chop Talk (80s horror) podcasts. As a Cuban American independent film critic, David writes fair and diverse criticism covering movies of all genres and spotlighting minority voices through Reel Talk. David has covered and reviewed films at Tribeca, TIFF, NYFF, Sundance, SXSW, and several other film festivals. He is a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer-Approved Critic and a member of the Latino Entertainment Journalists Association (LEJA), New York Film Critics Online, Hollywood Film Critics Association, and the North American Film Critic Association. As an avid film collector and awards watcher, David's finger is always on the industry's pulse. David informs and educates with knowledgeable and exciting content and has become a trusted resource for readers and listeners alike. Email him at david@reeltalkinc.com or follow him on Twitter and Instagram @reeltalkinc.